Rooftop systems: Buildings with external lightning protection system and sufficient separation distance

How does a lightning protection system for buildings with sufficient separation distance look like?

Normative requirements and notes:

According to Supplement 5 to DIN EN 62305-3, a lightning protection system should be preferred which does not have a direct connection to the PV power supply system while maintaining the necessary separation distances. The modules must be located in the protected volume of the isolated air-termination system.

Comprehensive protection for the d.c. side

If the separation distance calculated according to IEC 62305-3 is maintained, type 2 surge arresters are used to protect the inverter on the d.c. side and for the modules. The number of surge protective devices (SPDs) depends on the distance from the device to be protected. An additional protective device is required every 10 m.

Comprehensive protection for the a.c. side

The a.c. side is protected by a combined arrester near the grid connection. If the distance between the grid connection and the inverter is more than 10 m, it is recommended to install another type 2 arrester on the a.c. side of the inverter.


Sample application:

Sample application for Buildings with external lightning protection system and sufficient separation distance